2018 HBCU Careers Magazine
HBCUCAREERS MAGAZINE Learn more about teaching & working in Henry County Public Schools Saturday, February 27, 2016 10:00-1:00 Bassett High School 85 Riverside Drive, Bassett, VA 24055
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HBCU CAREERS MAGAZINE Henry County Public Schools What To Expect: Open Fair
Yesterday’s Wisdom for Duke Health nurses are dedicated to transforming patient care and raising the standards of nursing excellence. Every day, our nurses go above and beyond the call of duty to deliver extraordinary care to patients. As a Duke Nurse, they have all the advantages of working in a health system with Magnet® recognition, world-class facilities and innovative technologies. And, they benet from living and working in an area that embraces and celebrates diversity. Our leaders guide staff in providing patient-centered and evidence-based care and are involved in mentoring the next generation of health care leaders. Many of Duke Health’s exceptional nurses attended HBCUs; three are featured below: Today’s Reality - 5 Tips You Should TheMagnetRecognitionProgram ® , ANCCMagnetRecognition ® ,Magnet ® ,ANCCNationalMagnetConference ® ,andJourney toMagnetExcellence ® , namesand logosare registered trademarksof theAmericanNursesCredentialingCenter.All rights reserved. Priscilla Ramseur, DNP, RN, CNOR, NEA-BC Title: Chief Nursing & Patient Care Services Officer Entity: DukeRaleighHospital NorthCarolinaCentralUniversity Be part of excellence. Be a Duke Nurse. Opportunities for a Lifetime Know When Starting Your Career P. 99 F e a t u r e d E m p l o y e r s • F e a t u r e d E m p l o y e r s • F e a t u r e d E m p l o y e r s • Our 2014 Picks Who Should Attend? Teachers licensed or eligible for VA licensure Recent Graduates with completed student teaching Career Switchers interested in teaching Entity: Duke University Hospital Winston-Salem State University Frank wanted to relocate from New York and wanted to work at the best, so when he chose North Carolina, he knew about the reputation and prestige of Duke University Hospital. Even though he interviewed at other hospitals, he knew Duke was the best, and he has never looked back. From a professional perspective, both he and the health system are always striving to be the best. Duke Health leaders mentored Frank and encouraged him to advance his education, allowing him to grow clinically and professionally as a nurse.They invested a lot of time in him, and the loyalty at Duke is second to none. @hcps_va Henrycountyp o HCPSVa Priscilla’s learned from a recruiter about Duke’s “New to the OR Program,” and she wanted to work for a health system that offered such opportunities. After a tour of the facility and introduction to the OperatingRoomDirectorandAdministrator, she knew that it was the right place for her. Because Duke Health provides numerous opportunities for both career progression and personal growth, Priscilla has served in a variety of roles, from a clinical nurse in the OR, to a manager and leader in the organization, and now as a health system executive. “Duke offers opportunities for whatever you’re looking for - there truly is an opportunity for everyone.” ~Priscilla Ramseur “I bleed Duke Blue. I know I am part of something bigger here. It’s not about me, but about Duke Health as a team. There is a sense of loyalty that is second to none.” ~Frank DeMarco
booths & information about the area Meet Principals & School Staff learn about our schools share your resume Opportunities to Interview with school administrators
We’re #1 for 11,000 very good reasons.
2018 FEATURED EMPLOYERS Register at https://www.henry.k12.va.us/Job-Fair-Registration.html Frank DeMarco, MSN, RN Title: Associate Chief Nursing Officer Ambulatory and Emergency Services
Turning Post-graduation Opportunities Into Employment P. 86 For the third time, we’ve been named a #1 hospital in Virginia by U.S.News & World Report . ® And since 2006, we’ve been proud to be a Magnet ® hospital. Thanks to our 11,000 dedicated team members, our list of national honors continues to grow. Discover how you can join our team at vcuhealth.org/careers Gloria A. McNeil, DNP, MBA, MA, RN, NEA-BC, NE-BC, CENP Title: Associate Chief Nursing Officer Entity: Duke Regional Hospital NorthCarolinaCentralUniversity Gloria began her nursing career at Durham Regi nal Hospital i 1979; the facility became part of Duke in 1998. As part of the collaborative team at Duke R gional Hospital, Gloria has access to all that the health system has to offer, including continuing education, researc and leadership development opportunities. She has returned to school three times, earning two master’s degrees and a doctorate. With strong ties to North Carolina Central University, where she mentors nursing students and is a guest lecturer, Gloria was invited to be the speaker for the pinning ceremony for the guaduating class of 2016.
“We truly believe in and follow our mission – it can be seen daily in how we treat our patients and how we treat our staff.” ~Gloria McNeil
Learn more and apply online at www.Dukenursing.org, or call a Duke recruiter at 888.358.2383
U.S.News&WorldReport DukeUniversityHospital (#1), DukeRaleighHospital (#13) andDukeRegionalHospital (#13) areproud tohavebeen selected as tophospitals inNorthCarolina byU.S.News&WorldReport (2017).
EOE/AA.Women,minorities,veteransandpersonswithdisabilitiesareencouraged to apply.Ranked in top50 forCardiologyandHeartSurgery,OrthopedicsandNephrology.
Inspire generations.
Follow us on
When you start at the top, you can always add a gown to your scrubs.
You want to work with the best team – with no limits on how far you can go. We sit among the top-ranked hospitals in Virginia year after year, according to the U.S.News & World Report. ® We offer more than 400 work/life benefits – flexible work options, competitive pay, generous benefits and prepaid tuition assistance to help your career – and your life – soar. Discover how your career can take flight at vcuhealth.org/careers.
The Magnet Recognition Program ® , ANCC Magnet Recognition ® , Magnet ® , ANCC National Magnet Conference ® , and Journey to Magnet Excellence ® , names and logos are registered trademarks of the American Nurses Credentialing Center. All rights reserved. EOE/AA. Women, minorities, veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Ranked in top 50 for Cardiology and Heart Surgery, Orthopedics and Nephrology.
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9/5/17 3:56 PM
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Dear Job Seeker, Congratulations! You are one step closer to making the transition from your career as a college student to your new career in the workplace. The job market is competitive and the economy uncertain and you may feel a bit unprepared for this transition. By making the decision to take a look at the 2018 HBCU Careers Magazine you are off to a great start! The HBCU Careers Magazine i s an all-inclusive career planning resource filled with invaluable career planning advice and information from the experts, career service professionals from colleges and universities throughout the country and other professionals from various fields. The HBCU Careers Magazine not only provides you with the tools to develop an effective job search campaign, but it also helps you to connect with employers that are actively hiring. Be sure you incorporate H B C U careers.com as an integral part of your job search campaign. H B C U careers.com is quickly becoming one of the largest diversity recruitment websites for job seekers and employers across the United States. H B C U careers.com was created to serve both the job seeker and employer by connecting people and providing the most up-to-date information to aid the job seeker in their career search. With a host of job search tools including video resumes and our custom job search format, job seekers can actively search and apply to thousands of job postings. Job seekers that register and create a job search profile can receive real-time updates automatically through e-mail, Facebook, Twitter or the FREE H B C U careers.com mobile app whenever a job is posted that matches their search criteria. Visit H B C U careers.com and register today so you can start your job search tomorrow! We hope you will utilize HBCU Careers Magazine and H B C U careers.com . You now have the tools to develop an effective job search strategy to find the career that’s right for you. Best wishes as you begin your job search! H B C U Careers
HBCU Careers Magazine
Welcome Letter...................................................... 1 Meet Our Contributors........................................... 4 List of HBCU’s........................................................ 7 Career Opportunities............................................. 8 Self-Evaluation..................................................... 10 Researching Employers.......................................15 Networking...........................................................18 Featured Employers.............................................19 Constructing an Effective Resume..................... 24 Action Words........................................................ 27 10 Tips to a Great Looking Resume...................28 Common Resume Mistakes/Resume Checklist...29 Video Resumes....................................................30 Poorly Constructed Resume Sample..................44 Functional Resume Limited Work Sample.........46 Chronological Resume Sample...........................48 Electronic and Scannable Resume....................49
Scannable Resume Sample................................50 Writing Effective Cover Letters............................59 Application Letter Model.....................................60 Application Letter Sample................................... 61 Thank You Letter Model......................................62 Thank You Letter Sample....................................63 How to Conduct an Online Job Search...............64 Strategies for Successful Interviewing............... 74 Interview Preparation..........................................75 Traditional Interview Questions.......................... 76 Behavioral Interview Questions.......................... 77 Questions to Ask the Interviewer........................78 Career Fairs..........................................................79 Business Professional Attire............................... 81 Business Casual Attire........................................83 Evaluating Job Offers........................................... 87 Transitioning to the Workplace...........................88
“The Ultimate Cover Letter Tool Kit” By: Alexandra Arrington............................................................................................................................ 51 “Easily-Applied Practices to “Rock” Your Career” By: Dr. Michael Ammons........................................................................................................................... 55 “How to Restore Your Confidence Account” By: Micaela Morris.................................................................................................................................... 57
HBCU Careers Magazine
“The Right Way to Use LinkedIn and Manage Your Brand” By: Sean Lynott.......................................................................................................................................... 67 “Helping Partnerships: How to Work with Career Centers, Staffing Firms, Recruiters and Career Coaches in Your Job Search“ By: Amy Soricelli........................................................................................................................................ 69 “How to Approach a Recruiter“ By: Keirsten A. Greggs............................................................................................................................... 72 “Don’t Wait, Initiate!” By: Alexandra Arrington............................................................................................................................ 85 “5 Steps to Getting Out of The Gutter Mindset” By: Micaela Morris.................................................................................................................................... 91
Theorganizations featured in this sectionare currently recruitingwithin theEducationfield EDUCATION CAREERS
Healthcare Careers The organizations featured within this section are currently recruiting within the Healthcare Industry:
Duke Nursing Longview Regional Medical Center Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Multnomah County Health Department VCU Health System* *DenotesFeaturedEmployer
AkronPublicSchools (OH)* ArlingtonPublicSchools (VA) BeaufortCountySchoolDistrict (SC) BloomfieldHillsSchools (MI) CarteretCountyPublicSchoolSystem (NC)* CharlottesvilleCitySchools (VA) ClarkCountySchoolDistrict (NV)* ClarkeCountySchoolDistrict (GA) CumberlandCountySchools (NC) DuvalCountyPublicSchools (FL) EastBatonRougeParishSchoolSystem (LA) FlaglerSchools (FL) GreenvilleCountySchools (SC) GwinnettCountyPublicSchools (GA)* HenryCountyPublicSchools (VA) HenryCountySchools (GA) HickmanMillsC-1Schools (MO) HillsboroughCountyPublicSchools (FL)* HopkintonPublicSchools (MA) KansasCity,KansasPublicSchools (KS) KansasCityPublicSchools (MO) Killeen IndependentSchoolDistrict (TX)
LadueSchools (MO) LincolnPublicSchools (NE)
LosAngelesUnifiedSchoolDistirict (CA)* MontgomeryCountyPublicSchools (MD) NewtonCountySchoolSystem (GA)* NorthKansasCitySchools (MO) Olentangy LocalSchoolDistrict (OH)
OnslowCountySchools (NC) OrangeCountySchools (NC) ParkwaySchoolDistrict (MO) PattonvilleSchoolDistrict (MO) PittsburghPublicSchools (PA)* RichlandSchoolDistrictTwo (SC)* Saint LouisPublicSchools (MO) SchoolDistrictof LeeCounty (FL)
StauntonCitySchools (VA) St. LuciePublicSchools (FL)
TangipahoaParishSchoolSystem (LA) TucsonUnifiedSchoolDistrict (AZ) WashoeCountySchoolDistrict (NV) WaynesvilleR-VISchoolDistrict (MO)
Healthcare Careers Page 11
Education Careers Page 31
HBCU Careers Magazine
Meet Our Contributors Alexandra Arrington, LPCA, NCC, DCC Career Counselor, Consultant and Coach
Career development consulting at its best gets to the heart of your matter. It helps you to tap into and express your best--on paper, in an interview or in a networking environment--and it equips you to move forward. This approach forms the basis of Alexandra's working philosophy, developed by a decade of career counseling/coaching experience within corporate, education, non-profit and government organizations, with clients of diverse backgrounds and abilities. Alexandra has a graduate degree in Career Counseling and Placement from North Carolina Central University (Durham, NC). She is a
provisionally licensed professional counselor in the state of North Carolina, a National Certified Counselor, and a Distance Certified Counselor. Her training and experience in communications and counseling, coupled with her value of education and strengths-based methods, have culminated in tested processes that are thorough, yet brief and solutions-focused. She has worked with secondary and post-secondary students (both traditional and non-traditional), adults in all stages of their career in an array of industries, as well as with students and adults with various barriers (e.g. mental illness, lack of basic needs, little to nowork experience, etc.).The full range of career development services she provides include: educational and career exploration, consulting and counseling; interest, personality and career assessment and evaluation; career development program planning; résumé and cover letter writing workshops and individual critiques; targeted job searching strategy and application assistance; and leveraging Internet presence/social media for career development purposes.
Sean Lynott, MBA Sean is a Campus Recruiter for T-Mobile and recently celebrated his fifth anniversary with the company. In his spare time, he enjoys running, reading, and catching up on his favorite shows. He lives in Vancouver, BC with his wife Kelly and cat Tuna.
HBCU Careers Magazine
Michael Ammons, Ed. D Dr. Mike Ammons is the Director of the Raleigh-DurhamAdult Studies campus at North Carolina Wesleyan College and an Adjunct Professor of Business. He holds a MBA in Business Administration, Ed.S. in Educational Leadership, and an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and Administration from Liberty University. Mike has taught several courses in business, management, and leadership at the graduate and undergraduate level. Over the last eleven years, he has held leadership positions within the North Carolina Community College System, liberal arts colleges, technical schools, and faith-based universities. Mike served in the United States Air Force as a Morse Systems Operator
for the Signals Intelligence Squadron. During his enlistment, he worked at the National Security Agency and the American-Japanese Joint Task Force. His research interests are focused on leadership theory, adult learning, and academic achievement.
Keirsten Greggs Talent Acquisition Professional
Keirsten Greggs is Talent Acquisition Consultant, Career Coach, Diversity Advocate, Blogger, Speaker, Professional Relationship Builder and Founder of TRAP Recruiter, LLC, a small business committed to bridging the gap between the job seeker and organizations committed to attracting, hiring, developing and retaining diverse talent. Keirsten holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Richmond and a Masters in Management with an HR concentration from the University of Maryland, University College. Always focused on relationship building, she uses social media to engage with a broader audience via her blog, as a guest on various podcasts, and as creator of the #RecruiterProblems meme series. She also serves on the Executive Board of the Erin Peterson Fund, a non-profit organization that provides scholarships to deserving college bound students. Connect with Keirsten:
Website: www.traprecruiter.com Email: info@traprecruiter.com Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: @traprecuiter LinkedIn: keirstenagreggstraprecruiter
HBCU Careers Magazine
Micaela Morris, MBA Micaela Morris is an entrepreneur, speaker, consultant and the founder of Effective Efficient Virtual Assistant, affectionately known as EEVA. A business focused on lessening the workload of small business owners, organizations, artists and assisting individuals in job readiness training. Micaela has assisted financial companies with their marketing, artist Earl Bynum and the Mount Unity Choir with strategic marketing campaigns resulting in them getting nominated for 3 Stellar awards and winning one. Micaela has over 10+ years of experience in communications and is currently working on her Doctor of Business Administration
specializing in Strategic Leadership. Micaela is a trailblazer who plans, implements and executes, she will not stop moving forward. Her love for helping people drives her and gives her joy. To connect with Micaela follow her on Twitter @MMorris20 or @eevassist, or her Facebook Business Page: Effective Efficient Virtual Assistant.
Amy Soricelli Vice President, Career Services, Berkeley College
Amy Soricelli has more than 30 years of experience in the fields of recruiting and career services. She joined Berkeley College in 2009 as Director, Alumni Placement. She was appointed Assistant Vice President, Career Services and Alumni Relations in June, 2014. In this role, Ms. Soricelli oversees all alumni and career development needs including skill development, resource support and conflict resolution. She is the recipient of the Associate of the Year Award for Customer Service in 2012 and the Associate of the Year Honorable Mention Award for Customer Service in 2010.
Prior to joining Berkeley College, Ms. Soricelli was Account Manager at Taylor Grey, a staffing firm where her primary focus was the placement of administrative support in New York City, Connecticut and Long Island. Ms. Soricelli served almost 14 years as Director of Placement at the Katharine Gibbs School. While there, she won the Top Placement Award for eight consecutive years. Ms. Soricelli is a graduate of the Herbert H. Lehman College where she earned an M.S. in Specialized Services in Education with a focus on Guidance and Counseling and a B.A. in English. Thank you to all of the professionals from the college career services arena and private sector that have taken the time to share their knowledge and expertise with collegians and up-and-coming professionals. We truly appreciate your commitment to making a difference and enhancing the professional and personal lives of students, alumni and young professionals as the embark on their journey from college to career. To be a future contributor, please email ads@hbcucareers.com or contact us on HBCUcareers.com .
HBCU Careers Magazine Historically and Predominantly Black Colleges and Universities
Fayetteville State University John C. Smith University Livingstone College North Carolina A&T State University North Carolina Central University Shaw University St. Augustine’s University Winston-Salem State University
Alabama A&M University Alabama State University Bishop State Community College Concordia College Selma Gadsden State Community College H. Council Trenholm State Technical College J.F. Drake State Technical College Lawson State Community College Miles College Oakwood University Selma University Shelton State Community College Arkansas Baptist College Henderson State University Philander Smith College Shorter College University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff CALIFORNIA Charles R. Drew University of Medicine & Science DELAWARE Delaware State University DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Howard University University of the District of Columbia Compton Community College Stillman College Talladega College Tuskegee University ARKANSAS
Bethune-Cookman University
Bowie State University Coppin State University Morgan State University Sojourner-Douglass College University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Huston-Tillotson University Jarvis Christian College Paul Quinn College Prarie View A&M University Southwestern Christian College St. Philip’s College Texas College Texas Southern University Texas State University at San Marcos The University of Texas at El Paso Wiley College
Edward Waters College Florida A&M University Florida Memorial University
Albany State University Atlanta Metropolitan College Clark Atlanta University Fort Valley State University Interdenominational Theological Center Morehouse College Morehouse School of Medicine Morris Brown College Paine College Savannah State University Spelman College
Roxbury Community College
Central State University Cuyahoga Community College Wilberforce University
Lewis College of Business Wayne County Community College
Alcorn State University Coahoma Community College Hinds Community College, Utica Jackson State University Mississippi Valley State University Rust College Tougaloo College
University of the Virgin Islands University of the Virgin Islands - Kingshill
Langston University
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania Lincoln University
Hampton University Norfolk State University St. Paul’s College Virginia State University Virginia Union University Virginia University of Lynchburg
Chicago State University Kennedy-King College
Allen University Benedict College Claflin University Clinton Jr. College Denmark Technical College Morris College South Carolina State University Voorhees College
Kentucky State Universtiy Simmons College of Kentucky
Harris-Stowe State University Lincoln University of Missouri
Bluefield State College West Virginia State University
Dillard University Grambling State University Southern University A&M College Southern University at New Orleans Southern University at Shreveport Xavier University
LaGuardia Community College Medgar Evers College New York City Technical College York College
Fisk University Knowville College Lane College
LeMoyne-Owen College Meharry Medical College Tennessee State University
Barber-Scotia College Bennett College Elizabeth City State University
Source: U.S. Department of Education/White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities 9.27.11
Akron Public Schools* - OH.......................................... 40
Hickman Mills C-1 Schools - MO.................................. 39
Arlington County Police Department. .Outside Back Cover
Hillsborough County Public Schools - FL*.................... 36
Arlington Public Schools - VA....................................... 37
Hopkinton Public Schools - MA.................................... 36
Beaufort County School District - SC............................ 38
Kansas City Kansas Public Schools - KS......................... 37
Bloomfield Hills Schools - MI. ...................................... 40
Kansas City Public Schools - MO. ................................. 39
Carteret County Public School System -NC*................ 33
Killeen Independent School District - TX...................... 38
Charlottesville City Schools - VA................................... 41
Ladue Schools - MO..................................................... 33
Clark County Schools - NV*.......................................... 35
Lincoln Public Schools - NE. ......................................... 36
Clarke County School District -GA................................ 42
Longview Regional Medical Center..... Outside Back Cover
Cumberland County Schools - NC................................ 37
Los Angeles Unified School District - CA*. ................... 34
Duke Nursing*.............................................................. 13
McCoy’s Building Supply................... Outside Back Cover
Duval County Public Schools - FL. ................................ 33
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.................... 12
East Baton Rouge Parish School System - LA................ 34
MIT Lincoln Laboratories. ................... Inside Front Cover
Flagler Schools - FL....................................................... 34
Montgomery County Public Schools - MD................... 43
Greenville County Schools - SC. ................................... 32
Multnomah County Health Department...................... 12
Gwinnett County Public Schools - GA*. ....................... 41
Newton County School System - GA*.......................... 37
Henry County Public Schools - VA*.............................. 32
North Kansas City Schools - MO................................... 41
Henry County Schools - GA.......................................... 40
Olentangy Local Schools - OH...................................... 38
HBCU Careers Magazine
Please take advantage of the employment opportunities that appear throughout your HBCU Careers Magazine ! Help your career search by contacting the organizations listed below. These employers are actively recruiting college graduates like yourself and have made the HBCU Careers Magazine possible. Visit HBCUcareers.com to view the online version of this publication, upload your resume, respond to job postings and more. ATTENTION CAREER SEEKERS
Onslow County Schools - NC........................................ 35
Staunton City Schools - VA........................................... 39
Orange County Schools - NC........................................ 39
St. Lucie Public Schools - FL.......................................... 40
Parkway School District - MO....................................... 36
Tangipahoa Parish School System - LA......................... 41
Pattonville School District - MO................................... 43
Transportation Security Administration*.. Inside Front Cover
Pittsburgh Public Schools - PA*.................................... 34
Tucson Unified School District - AZ.............................. 32
Richland School District Two* - SC............................... 42
VCU Health System*. .......................... Inside Front Cover
Saint Louis Public Schools - MO................................... 43
Washoe County School District - NV.....Inside Back Cover
School District of Lee County - FL. ............................... 33
Waynesville R-VI School District - MO.......................... 42
*Denotes Featured Employer
HBCU Careers Magazine
Self-evaluation is a critical part of any effective job search strategy, yet it is often overlooked. It is the process of identifying your personal and professional values, interests, personality type, strengths, weaknesses, skills, and goals. This section will not only give you insight into understanding yourself, but it will also help you to transfer what you know about yourself into a career that fits.
Self-Evaluation Questions to Ask Yourself Below are some questions developed by executive recruiters to help you better understand yourself and your career aspirations. They are also questions an employer may ask you during an interview. Answer these questions as accurately and honestly as you can. Your answers will help you determine your career assets and liabilities, which will prepare you for your job search and for future interviews. • Would I work better in a large or small organization?
• How important is geographic location to me? • Do I work better alone or as part of a group? • Am I more comfortable as a follower or a leader? • Which do I do better: analyze or execute? • Do I prefer to work with people or things? • Do I work more successfully under pressure? • Am I a good planner or idea person?
• Do I think well on my feet? • Do I make decisions easily?
• Do I express myself well orally? In writing? • What characteristics do I admire in others?
• Which function of my job do I perform most effectively? • Which function of my job do I perform least effectively? • What do I enjoy doing most? • What motivates me? • What accomplishments have satisfied me in the past year? • What have I done to correct my shortcomings? • What level of responsibility do I aspire to in five years? • What should I be earning then? • How will I achieve these levels? What skills do I need? • Am I a good listener?
Healthcare Careers The organizations featured within this section are currently recruiting within the Healthcare Industry:
Duke Nursing* Longview Regional Medical Center Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Multnomah County Health Department VCU Health System* *Denotes Featured Employer
Longview, Texas
PUSH THE LIMITS OFWHAT’S POSSIBLE Start your career here and make a difference.
At Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK), we’re not only changing the way we treat cancer, but also the way the world thinks about it. Here, you’ll have the opportunity to work with innovative teams as we drive excellence and improve patient outcomes. And you’ll be joining an award winning organization that is consistently ranked as a top hospital for cancer by US News & World Report and listed on Glassdoor’s annual Employee Choice Awards.
At Longview Regional, we agree on exceptional patient care.
Entry-level opportunities for Healthcare, Science & Liberal Arts Majors
A t Longview Regional Medical Center, we come from diverse backgrounds but rally around a common vision of providing quality healthcare services to our community. This commitment is seen in our multi-million dollar expansion, which nearly doubled the size of our facility and supports our patients’ growing needs. If you share our view of excellence, now is the best time to look into a career with Longview Regional!
careers.mskcc.org MSK is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer committed to diversity and inclusion in all aspects of recruiting and employment. FIND YOUR LIFE’S CALLING
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Date: March 1, 2017
• Pharmacy • Radiology
Media Order: 341126
Please apply online today! www.longviewregional.com
Better Healthcare Starts Here
Equal Opportunity Employer, AAE, M/F/D/V
When you start at the top, you can always add a gown to your scrubs.
You want to work with the best team – with no limits on how far you can go. We sit among the top-ranked hospitals in Virginia year after year, according to the U.S.News & World Report. ® We offer more than 400 work/life benefits – flexible work options, competitive pay, generous benefits and prepaid tuition assistance to help your career – and your life – soar. Discover how your career can take flight at vcuhealth.org/careers.
The Magnet Recognition Program ® , ANCC Magnet Recognition ® , Magnet ® , ANCC National Magnet Conference ® , and Journey to Magnet Excellence ® , names and logos are registered trademarks of the American Nurses Credentialing Center. All rights reserved. EOE/AA. Women, minorities, veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Ranked in top 50 for Cardiology and Heart Surgery, Orthopedics and Nephrology.
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9/5/17 3:56 PM
Opportunities for a Lifetime
There’s no better place to start your nursing career than at Duke University Health System – our nurse residency program is second to none! We are committed to supporting you as you gain the con dence and skill in your transition from the role of student to professional nurse. Our Nurse Residency Program provides invaluable hands-on experience, explores topics in leadership, professional roles, critical thinking and patient outcomes. Be part of excellence. Be a Duke Nurse. Whatever specialty you’re looking for, we have it. You can choose from one of the three hospitals, home care and hospice services, ambulatory surgery centers, outpatient practices or community clinics throughout North Carolina. Whatever you choose, a nursing career with Duke University Health System is more than a job!
Learn more and apply online at www.dukenursing.org, or call a Duke recruiter at 888.358.2383
U.S. News &World Report Duke University Hospital (#1), Duke Raleigh Hospital (#13) and Duke Regional Hospital (#13) are proud to have been selected as top hospitals in North Carolina by U.S. News &World Report (2017).
Opportunities for a Lifetime
Duke Health nurses are dedicated to transforming patient care and raising the standards of nursing excellence. Every day, our nurses go above and beyond the call of duty to deliver extraordinary care to patients. As a Duke Nurse, they have all the advantages of working in a health system with Magnet® recognition, world-class facilities and innovative technologies. And, they benet from living and working in an area that embraces and celebrates diversity. Our leaders guide staff in providing patient-centered and evidence-based care and are involved in mentoring the next generation of health care leaders. Many of Duke Health’s exceptional nurses attended HBCUs; three are featured below:
Be part of excellence. Be a Duke Nurse.
Gloria A. McNeil, DNP, MBA, MA, RN, NEA-BC, NE-BC, CENP Title: Associate Chief Nursing Officer
Priscilla Ramseur, DNP, RN, CNOR, NEA-BC Title: Chief Nursing & Patient Care Services Officer Entity: Duke Raleigh Hospital North Carolina Central University Priscilla’s learned from a recruiter about Duke’s “New to the OR Program,” and she wanted to work for a health system that offered such opportunities. After a tour of the facility and introduction to the OperatingRoomDirector andAdministrator, she knew that it was the right place for her. Because Duke Health provides numerous opportunities for both career progression and personal growth, Priscilla has served in a variety of roles, from a clinical nurse in the OR, to a manager and leader in the organization, and now as a health system executive. “Duke offers opportunities for whatever you’re looking for - there truly is an opportunity for everyone.” ~Priscilla Ramseur
Frank DeMarco, MSN, RN Title: Associate Chief Nursing Officer Ambulatory and Emergency Services Entity: Duke University Hospital Winston-Salem State University Frank wanted to relocate from New York and wanted to work at the best, so when he chose North Carolina, he knew about the reputation and prestige of Duke University Hospital. Even though he interviewed at other hospitals, he knew Duke was the best, and he has never looked back. From a professional perspective, both he and the health system are always striving to be the best. Duke Health leaders mentored Frank and encouraged him to advance his education, allowing him to grow clinically and professionally as a nurse. They invested a lot of time in him, and the loyalty at Duke is second to none. “I bleed Duke Blue. I know I am part of something bigger here. It’s not about me, but about Duke Health as a team. There is a sense of loyalty that is second to none.” ~Frank DeMarco
Entity: Duke Regional Hospital North Carolina Central University
Gloria began her nursing career at Durham Regional Hospital in 1979; the facility became part of Duke in 1998. As part of the collaborative team at Duke Regional Hospital, Gloria has access to all that the health system has to offer, including continuing education, research and leadership development opportunities. She has returned to school three times, earning two master’s degrees and a doctorate. With strong ties to North Carolina Central University, where she mentors nursing students and is a guest lecturer, Gloria was invited to be the speaker for the pinning ceremony for the guaduating class of 2016. “We truly believe in and follow our mission – it can be seen daily in how we treat our patients and how we treat our staff.” ~Gloria McNeil
Learn more and apply online at www.Dukenursing.org, or call a Duke recruiter at 888.358.2383
U.S. News &World Report Duke University Hospital (#1), Duke Raleigh Hospital (#13) and Duke Regional Hospital (#13) are proud to have been selected as top hospitals in North Carolina by U.S. News &World Report (2017).
HBCU Careers Magazine
Researching Employers The process of researching an employer is an essential part of the job search process yet it often goes overlooked. Many job seekers take a “ready, fire, aim” approach without doing any homework first. They simply apply to as many positions as possible regardless of whether or not they are qualified for a position or whether or not they even want the position. Using this tactic is not an effective way to conduct a job search and usually results in a big waste of time-especially now when our job market is so tight. Keep in mind that you are competing for the same position as many others, so before you blast off your resume without any thought, take the time to do some research first. It will pay off in the long run.
Why is researching an employer so important? • Helps you identify organizations that match up with your career goals. In addition, you never know what you may find while you are conducting research. You may discover employers that are hiring that do not utilize traditional methods of advertising available positions. • Helps you target your resume and cover letter to the position you are applying for which increases your chances of getting an interview. • Helps you sell yourself as a viable candidate. The more you know about an employer, the better your chances are of being able to communicate how your skills and abilities match up with the employer’s needs. • Employers are looking for candidates that show a genuine interest in their company. Communicating to an employer that you know something about their company shows you are enthusiastic and interested. • Helps you answer the commonly asked question, “Why do you want to work for our company?” If you don’t know anything about the company you are interviewing with, how will you be able to answer this question? • Helps build confidence during an interview. Knowledge is power so the more you know about an employer prior to an interview the more confident you will be in an interview situation.
HBCU Careers Magazine
Where do I find information about employers? Below are just a few resources for finding the information you need. Consult your Career Services Office for additional resources. 1. HBCU Careers Magazine Your HBCU Careers Magazine is an excellent resource to locate information about organizations that are actively seeking to hire recent college graduates. For a list of all of the organizations that have available positions, refer to page 6. Take time to carefully review the career opportunities that these organizations have placed. They typically include general information about the position, the employer’s web address, and how to apply for the position. You can also link directly to each employer’s website, find additional information about an employer and submit your resume to job postings by visiting HBCUcareers.com. 2. Internet Resources • The Employer’s Website is typically a great place to find general information about a company as well as career opportunities. Many times an employer’s website has a special section devoted solely to career opportunities. • Job Search Assistance Websites such as HBCUcareers.com contain valuable information about employers and also provide you with an option to post your resume online, search through available job opportunities, and link to the employer’s website. • IndustryWebsites. It is helpful to have an overall “big picture” view of the field or industry you are interested in. For instance, if you are interested in Pharmaceutical Sales, you may wish to do some general research on the industry to find out the average entry-level salary, employment outlook, required training, trends, etc. Below are some websites that may be helpful:
» » Occupational Outlook Handbook from the Bureau of Labor Statistics: www.bls.gov/ooh » » U.S. Department of Labor’s CareerOneStop: www.careeronestop.org » » Salary.com • Grad School Websites. If your next step is grad school, you may wish to visit these sites: » » gradtrek.com » » Gradschools.com » » graduateguide.com 3. Trade Associations Almost every type of field or industry that exists has a trade association affiliation. Find trade associations that match your career interests and then contact them to find out how you can obtain information such as journals, informational briefs and membership directories. Some trade associations even publish job listings or have resume referral services. In some cases you may need to be a member of a trade association in order to take advantage of their services and receive their information. If this is the case, see if they offer student memberships at a discounted rate. What do I need to look for when conducting research on an employer? • Name, age and location(s) • Product lines and/or services • Parent company and/or subsidiaries • General financial picture of organization such as recent mergers, acquisitions, stock picture, etc. • Recent events related to the company that have been “in the news” • Major competitors and positioning in the market • Company history • Company mission statement • Career opportunities • Application procedures/deadline for application
HBCU Careers Magazine
Questions to Ask Yourself Now it’s time to get real. Ask yourself the following questions BEFORE you respond to a job posting or go on an interview. Your answers will let you know if you have done the right amount of research and taken the appropriate steps to prepare yourself for the application and interview processes. • Do my resume and cover letter reflect that I am a good match for the position for which I am applying? • Am I prepared to answer general questions about the employer and the position that may be asked of me during an interview? • What makes me “stand out” over other candidates that are applying for the same position?
REMEMBER - it’s your job to demonstrate to an employer why you are the right candidate for a position - not the employer’s job to try to figure our how you fit within their organization. Effectively researching the employer can help you determine how your skills, attributes and strengths can be an asset to the employer.
If you are applying to an online job posting, don’t just submit your resume blindly. Do a bit of investigating first. In most cases an employer will include an in-depth position description along with the qualifications they are seeking. Study this information carefully. Find out what the employer is looking for. Compare your qualifications, skills, and attributes against the position description. Do you see any matches? If so, be sure to communicate them in your resume and cover letter.
HBCU Careers Magazine
Networking What is Networking?
Networking is simply gathering information from and making contacts through the people you already know. How do you start establishing a network? After you have professional objectives in mind, begin talking to people you know such as: • Friends and family • Classmates and professors • Former employers • Colleagues from professional, community, and religious groups • Former teachers and faculty from schools you have attended The key to creating a network is to obtain the names of at least two additional contacts each time you talk to someone. The types of questions you should ask when obtaining further contacts are: • What organizations should I investigate? • Do you know anyone who works or is associated with my field of interest? • May I mention your name contacting other people or organizations? Develop a Tracking System Develop a method of keeping track of each conversation, phone call, letter, interview, follow- up and promise. Without a good organizational system, you could become confused. Be Professional As you begin to make professional contacts, make sure you dress and act the part. Conduct yourself in a manner that will convince your professional contacts that you can do the job. This will also help you obtain other referrals much more easily. Return the Favor Networking is about relationship building. Send thank you letters after each meeting or helpful phone conversations. Keep in touch with members of your network and give back to it whenever possible.
Informational Interviews You can collect information on your chosen field via informational interviewing. Informational interviewing is simply asking questions of different members of your network. Remember to ask for the names of at least two more contacts during an informational interview. Questions you may want to ask during an Informational Interview are: • What aspect of your job was the biggest challenge when you first started? • What qualifications do you seek of new employees? • What are the things you like or dislike about your job? • If you could start over again in this field, what would you do differently? • Should I have a particular certification or achieve a higher-level degree in order to advance in this field? • What classes and activities in college best helped prepare you to enter this field? • How can I make myself a more desirable job candidate? • What kinds of job titles would I probably have in this field? • What life experiences have most helped you acquire and develop knowledge of this field? • Are there any professional groups you would recommend I join? • How do you see this industry changing in the future? • Who else should I contact within the field?
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