Cal Maritime Career Guide
Networking & the Job Search
WHAT IS NETWORKING? Networking is the use of contacts to acquire information, advice, and referrals for the job hunt. Contacts can range from your closest friends to professionals you have met before. It is always easiest to start networking with the people to whom you are closest: friends, family, neighbors, present and former co-workers/employers, faculty, classmates, and anyone else with whom you have frequent contact. Refer to the 6 tips below to get started:
1 GIVE AS MUCH AS YOU GET. Forming relationships built on trust will help you be the person your contacts think of the next time they can find a way to help you. When you are offering to help others, you will find them far more open to the idea of helping you down the road. 2 BE PROACTIVE. Networking doesn’t just happen. You need to be active in your efforts to make sure you get out and meet people. 3 DEVELOP YOUR NETWORKING STRATEGY. Prepare and practice your Career Pitch. Start by talking to everyone that you meet at career fairs, college events, conferences and on-campus recruitment opportunities.
4 STAY POSITIVE. Staying positive makes you approachable and memorable. It’s easy to let yourself get down and lose self-esteem when you have been rejected in the job hunt. 5 TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF OPPORTUNITIES. Networking only works if you put yourself out there and start talking to people. Let your guard down and be aware of what your body language communicates. 6 USE SOCIAL MEDIA. While it’s true that in- person meetings solidify relationships, when it comes to networking, many relationships can either start or flourish through social media. Use sites like Twitter and Facebook to stay in touch with people you have met and LinkedIn to network with people who work at the company you are interested in.
Organize and Control Your Job Search Process Searching and applying for a job can be a stressful time period. Keeping track and organizing this process is crucial to your success. Create an Excel spreadsheet or electronic folders that contain the information below to help manage your application process.
Company Name Contact Information Position Date Applied Networking Opportunities Email & Phone Correspondence
Resume and Cover Letter Used Notes Interview Status Follow-Up Thank You Letter / Email Sent Offers
As you navigate your way through this process, from time to time it is a good idea to step back and evaluate where you are within the search and to make adjustments as needed.
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