2022 HBCU Careers Magazine
HBCU Careers Magazine
This program is perfect for note taking and organization. You can make it as detailed as you wish with tabs and sub-sections. We’ve researched what a 30/60/90 plan is, and we’ve built it out. Now comes the tricky section, how do we implement it? This is fun part! I recommend showing the plan to your supervisor during your onboarding week. It doesn’t have to be the first day, but it is advisable to do so sooner rather than later. Some people will wait until they have their first official one-on-one with their manager, this is also fine. Make sure that you’re open to feedback as this isn’t a one-way conversation. The 30/60/90 plan is a great tool to have in your toolbox for your new job. With a little effort, you can clearly outline how you will be successful over the first three months at your new job. The beauty of this strategy is that it can be applied for any job in any industry. Remember too that the plan is a living document. Revisit the plan often and feel free to make changes to it as your grow. Keep track of what is working and what isn’t. It’s also fun to check things off as you achieve them. Don’t be like me, the guy who was just happy to be there, have a plan and follow through on it!
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