2019-2020 Purdue University Career Success Handbook
Power Verbs for Your Resume
Bullets Formula Skill Statements POWER VERB (SKILL) + IDENTIFIABLE TASK + PURPOSE/METHOD/RESULT |_____ Choose one of the above _____| Purpose (Why did you do it?) • Performed gear mapping for transmissions to optimize shift patterns, fuel economy and available power
Method (How did you do it?) • Collected quantitative infrared imaging using a high speed infrared camera
Result (What happened because of what you did?) • Designed and implemented latches for condensation vents to reduce water leakage creating a safer work environment
T he following lists are divided into categories to facilitate your ability to identify some great, active verbs to make your resume stand out. Begin each of your descriptive lines with a power verb. Keep the tenses consistent using past verbs for past experiences and present verbs for the current ones.
WorkingWith PEOPLE: Communication Circulate Clarify Collaborate Communicate Compose Correspond Demonstrate Document Edit Engage Entertain
Partner Perform Pitch Plan Present Promote Proofread Publicize Relate Relay Report Review Revise Summarize Syndicate Translate Transcribe
Encourage Enlist Ensure Grade Guide Influence Instruct Introduce
Attend Coordinate Convince Dispense Disseminate Distribute Fundraise Influence Launch Lobby
Assure Bargain Care Coach Collaborate Confer Confront Consult Converse Cooperate Encourage Familiarize Form Foster Fulfill Implement Inform Interact Intervene Join Listen Litigate Critique Develop
Mediate Motivate Negotiate Participate
Partner Provide Recommend Reconcile Rehabilitate Represent Resolve Share Suggest
Lecture Mentor Program Provide
Persuade Publicize
Rate Steer
Publish Recruit Screen Sell Service Target
Administrative/ Management Accelerate Accomplish Achieve Act Administer
Suggest Support Teach Test
Exhibit Explain Express
Teaching/Advising Advise
Illustrate Interpret Interview Investigate Lecture Optimize
Train Tutor
Interpersonal Relations Accommodate Adapt Anticipate
Correct Counsel Demonstrate Display
Public Relations Advertise Advocate
Allocate Approve Assign
16 Center for Career Opportunities
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