2018 HBCU Careers Magazine
HBCU Careers Magazine
Michael Ammons, Ed. D Dr. Mike Ammons is the Director of the Raleigh-DurhamAdult Studies campus at North Carolina Wesleyan College and an Adjunct Professor of Business. He holds a MBA in Business Administration, Ed.S. in Educational Leadership, and an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and Administration from Liberty University. Mike has taught several courses in business, management, and leadership at the graduate and undergraduate level. Over the last eleven years, he has held leadership positions within the North Carolina Community College System, liberal arts colleges, technical schools, and faith-based universities. Mike served in the United States Air Force as a Morse Systems Operator
for the Signals Intelligence Squadron. During his enlistment, he worked at the National Security Agency and the American-Japanese Joint Task Force. His research interests are focused on leadership theory, adult learning, and academic achievement.
Keirsten Greggs Talent Acquisition Professional
Keirsten Greggs is Talent Acquisition Consultant, Career Coach, Diversity Advocate, Blogger, Speaker, Professional Relationship Builder and Founder of TRAP Recruiter, LLC, a small business committed to bridging the gap between the job seeker and organizations committed to attracting, hiring, developing and retaining diverse talent. Keirsten holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Richmond and a Masters in Management with an HR concentration from the University of Maryland, University College. Always focused on relationship building, she uses social media to engage with a broader audience via her blog, as a guest on various podcasts, and as creator of the #RecruiterProblems meme series. She also serves on the Executive Board of the Erin Peterson Fund, a non-profit organization that provides scholarships to deserving college bound students. Connect with Keirsten:
Website: www.traprecruiter.com Email: info@traprecruiter.com Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: @traprecuiter LinkedIn: keirstenagreggstraprecruiter
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