2018 HBCU Careers Magazine
nd 15 High Schools. education with specialty schools like y of Arts, Careers and Technology, adows Community Colleg High School, nline School, and more!
We are: n A community of diversity and more than 50% of our students identify as American Indian, Asian, Latino,
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Building a Dream Team for our STUDENTS
WCSDEmployeeshelpmakeBIG DREAMScome true! We are amazing students. We are incredible educators. We are beautiful mountains, lakes and 300 days of sunshine per year. n The school system that serves the cities of Reno and Sparks and the communities of Incline Village, Verdi and Gerlach, Nevada. n A system of 93 schools that includes 64 Elementary, 14 Middle and 15 High Schools. n Innovating education with specialty schools like the Academy of Arts, Careers and Technology, Truckee Meadows Community College High School, NorthStar Online School, and more! Weare thenearly8,000membersof theWashoeCounty SchoolDistrict team thathelpmore than64,000kids in NorthernNevadamake theirdreamscome true!
Building a Dream Team for our STUDENTS WCSD
Need more information? Checkout these resourcesorcall (775)789-4602 to speakwithamemberofourTalentAcquisition team today! careers.washoeschools.net 27ThingsAboutReno: www.movoto.com/reno-nv/ moving-to-reno/ CityofReno: http://www.reno.gov CityofSparks: http://cityofsparks.us
WCSD students have BIG DREAMS!
Weare: n Acommunityofdiversityandmore than50%ofour students identifyasAmerican Indian,Asian,Latino, AfricanAmerican,andPacific Islander. n The school system that serves thecitiesofRenoand Sparksand thecommunitiesof InclineVillage,Verdi andGerlach,Nevada. n A systemof93 schools that includes64Elementary, 14Middleand15HighSchools. n Innovatingeducationwith specialty schools like theAcademyofArts,CareersandTechnology, TruckeeMeadowsCommunityCollegeHighSchool, NorthStarOnlineSchool,andmore!
Buildinga DreamTeam forourSTUDENTS WCSD
Call (775) 789-4602 to speak with a member of our Talent Acquisition team today!
Opportunities for a Lifetime
There’s no better place to start your nursing career than at Duke University Health System – our nurse residency program is second to none! We are committed to supporting you as you gain the con dence and skill in your transition from the role of student to professional nurse. Our Nurse Residency Program provides invaluable hands-on experience, explores topics in leadership, professional roles, critical thinking and patient outcomes. Be part of excellence. Be a Duke Nurse. Whatever specialty you’re looking for, we have it. You can choose from one of the three hospitals, home care and hospice services, ambulatory surgery centers, outpatient practices or community clinics throughout North Carolina. Whatever you choose, a nursing career with Duke University Health System is more than a job!
Learn more and apply online at www.dukenursing.org, or call a Duke recruiter at 888.358.2383
U.S. News &World Report Duke University Hospital (#1), Duke Raleigh Hospital (#13) and Duke Regional Hospital (#13) are proud to have been selected as top hospitals in North Carolina by U.S. News &World Report (2017).
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