2018 HBCU Careers Magazine
Clark County School District
Don’t wait; apply today at www.Teach.Vegas .
HAVE A DEGREE, NOT IN TEACHING? NO PROBLEM! BECOME A HERO IN LIGHTNING SPEED… After ten weeks of training and practice, those who earn their capes are eligible for hire into a full-time position, with medical and retirement benefits. Be the FIRST hero in a child’s education. To learn more, visit us at www.Teach.Vegas or call us at 702-799-5427 .
Invest. Innovate. Inspire.
Why join the HCPS team? High performing, award- winning school district Excellent benefits & competitive compensation Strong teacher support & professional learning opportunities Innovative instructional technology Where critical thinking is expected, creativity is nurtured, technology and innovation are embraced, and learning is celebrated!
Richland School District Two , located in Columbia, SC, strives to develop global citizens of tomorrow who are prepared to lead and excel in their chosen pathways. We recruit highly skilled, innovative teachers to serve our diverse population. Successful candidates bring “best practices” and technology into their classrooms to maximize students’ gifts and talents. Certified positions are updated as they become available. Applicants can review positions and apply online. For all Career Opportunities, visit: RichlandSchoolDistrictTwo, located inColumbia,SC,strives todesignthebestacademicandpersonal learningopportunitiesforour27,500 students.Werecruithighly skilled, innovativeteachers to serve our iversepopulati n.Successful candidatesbring "bestpracti es"and current technol gy intotheir classrooms toeducateanddevelop tomorrow’s leaders.Certifiedpositionsareupdatedastheybecome available.Applicants can review thepositionsandapplyon line. ForallCareerOpportunities, follow thisaddress: http://www.applitrack.com/richland2/onlineapp/default.aspx RichlandSchoolDistrictTwo,124RisdonWay,Columbia,SC29223 Debbie Jordan,Recruiter,Phone:803-738-3335,djordan@richland2.org www.richland2.org
www.richland2.org/workintwo Richland School District Two 124 Risdon Way, Columbia, SC 29223 Debbie Jordan, Recruiter Phone: 803-738-3335, djordan@richland2.org www.richland2.org/teachintwo
For more information and to view job postings, visit www.henry.k12.va.us
@ hcps_va
Department of Human Resources P.O. Box 8958 • 3300 Kings Mtn. Rd. Collinsville, VA 24078 (276) 634-4700
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