2018 HBCU Careers Magazine
HBCU Careers Magazine
5 Steps To Getting Out Of The Gutter Mindset By: Micaela Morris, MBA Founder Effective Efficient Virtual Assistant (EEVA)
I remember a friend talking about her currentmindset as an entrepreneur. As she was talking about her business she stated, “I don’t know what to do, I think I just need to get out the gutter mindset.” At first, I was confused, then I slowly realized she was in a rut. A “gutter mindset” is when a person feels trapped in the mind, lost, confused, possibly reckless, or lazy. Just as a writer may get writer’s block; a mind can get a block too as if he/she isn’t good enough. There are some quick learning tools you can use to change your situation. Below you will find a few steps on how to get out of the gutter mindset and find yourself in a strike position. Step 1. Be innovative- Entrepreneurs are forward thinking people. They operate off-the-cuff sometime, but they also do research to find out how to be competitive in their industry. If people don’t think you are crazy for creating your product, service, or understanding your vision you are on the wrong path. People chatter whether good or bad, that ultimately means you are doing something right! Step 2. Be the differentiator- Make your product or service unique. Always ask yourself what’s next. Ask yourself what need do you fill in the world? Step 3. Recognize patterns a. Communication patterns- Look at the patterns in your life. Think about the communication patterns you could’ve changed. What is your structure of communication when dealing with businesses or at work? What are your team members saying about you? Are you getting the message across to them efficiently? Bad communication can break the function of a network, or in layman terms serve as a distraction or noise in the message. b. Action patterns- What are your action patterns saying? Can you plan and execute ideas, concepts, projects? Do you stand behind what you say you will produce? c. Process patterns- Check your process patterns, are the same processes causing you to fail? Make sure your systems and processes are congruent across the board. If not, you need to change that process. Step 4. Disconnect from toxic relationships- This includes business relationships, and people who subtract and become a leech instead of adding to you. Do you mesh well with your business partner? Are there people or things that constantly make you angry? Do you have someone on
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