2018 HBCU Careers Magazine
HBCU Careers Magazine
Recruiters are more likely to respond positively and offer assistance to job seekers who personalize their approach with relationship building in mind. • Personalization is a two way street. Whenever possible, don’t come straight out of the gate asking for help. If you are emailing or sending a direct message, start with an introduction that establishes familiarity like:
“I first learned about your organization during their recent campus visit and…” “I have been following your posts…” “I noticed that you are a fellow alumnus/alumna of…”
before asking a question. You should also engage with them on posts, and/or show your interest in and knowledge of their organization. • Join and be an active participant in online professional groups. Recruiters often join groups as a way to find subject matter experts that can provide insight on the positions for which they’re sourcing and get a sense for how YOU, the job seeker, wants to approached. Pursue with Purpose • Not all recruiters are created equal so resist the urge to use the, “You’re a recruiter; can you get me a job?” approach just because someone has “Recruiter” in their job title. To achieve the maximum return on investment for your time, approach recruiters who have expertise and experience in your desired field. If you’re unsure, or their social media activity is sporadic, try following for a while before sending a formal connection request. • Internal recruiters at the organizations where you interned or are currently working are an excellent resource for job seekers who wish to advance and continue to develop their talent in-house. The College/University Recruiter that guided you through the hiring process is invested in your professional success. If your next position is outside of their area of expertise, they will connect you to a recruiter in the organization who can assist. They have established relationships with the hiring managers who will be evaluating you and can connect you to mentors and co-workers who can support your career progression and talent development efforts. Best of all, they are often aware of openings prior to the postings going live. • Look up from your device and get out and mingle where recruiters are expecting to socialize with you. Attend campus career fairs, meet and greets, and informational sessions, off-campus professional meet up and networking events, and events sponsored by professional, alumni, and Greek Letter organizations. Recruiters are everywhere! We’re at churches, community events, sporting events, the grocery store, and living in your neighborhood and if approached politely, respectfully, and professionally, we are more than willing to talk. • Lastly, if you have established relationships with one or more recruiters, don’t wait until you’re fully engaged in a job search to reach out to them. Establish periodic touch-points to keep yourself at the front of their tickler file and use them as a resource to connect you to other recruiters.
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