2018 HBCU Careers Magazine
HBCU Careers Magazine
earn it. If you have an actual professional relationship with someone it’s perfectly fine to request these things. If this is first contact, it’s very inappropriate. If you’ve done the ASK before, don’t beat yourself up too much. I’ll admit that when I was much younger I was guilty of this. It’s never too late to change your behavior though. Your LinkedIn profile is a reflection on you and your brand. What do you want employers to see when they pull up your profile? What kind of impression do you want to make when you connect with individuals? As a student nearing graduation (or a recent graduate), it can be tempting to take short cuts. It’s important to resist this urge and put in the time and effort to build meaningful relationships. Trust me, I’ve been at this for years and can honestly say that the people who make themselves unforgettable are the ones who create their own breaks. I recommendworkingwith your Career Services teamtomake sure that your profile is professional. It’s also helpful to review other profiles on the platform. Look at what your peers are doing, how about the staff at your school, what about the people you want to connect with? Take the time to study and then incorporate the things you like into your brand. Remember, you can’t cut corners when it comes to networking and creating your very own personal brand. Make sure that you’re making yourself noteworthy. If you network the right way, opportunities will present themselves to you. You’re about to set forth on the next big adventure in your life. What kind of impression do you want to make?
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