2018 HBCU Careers Magazine
HBCU Careers Magazine
Relevant Skills (Use with Functional Resume, Optional with Chronological Resume.) Break your skills down into specific categories and then list them within each category. Again use bullet points and strong action verbs to describe your skills and accomplishments. Sample skill categories include: organizational skills, communication skills, technical skills, sales skills, and leadership skills. Action Words The following list of action verbs is useful when describing your skills, experience and accomplishments.
accelerated accomplished achieved adapted administered analyzed appraised
consolidated controlled coordinated created delegated delivered demonstrated designed developed diagnosed directed discovered distributed earned edited eliminated empowered
encouraged enlisted estimated established evaluated examined exhibited expanded expedited explained facilitated forecasted formulated generated handled implemented improved
increased initiated instituted instructed introduced launched learned led maintained managed mastered mediated motivated negotiated
organized participated performed persuaded planned prepared
reorganized researched reviewed revised scheduled selected solved staffed stimulated strengthened supervised terminated trained translated updated utilized wrote
presented promoted processed produced programmed proposed recommended recruited reduced reinforced renegotiated
assisted brought budgeted built calculated charted compiles composed conceived conducted
observed obtained operated
Activities Include your involvement in campus activities, clubs and associates. Also include volunteer work.
Awards Include any award(s) you may have received.
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