2015 MSOE

Example Resume

Testy McTester

1025 N. Broadway #370 Milwaukee, WI 53202

(414) 277-7119

testy.mctester@msoe.edu ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________


An internship in the electrical engineering field. Specific interests include circuit or component design, control systems, and test engineering. Willing to relocate.

QUALIFICATIONS • Developed leadership skills through participation in on-campus organizations. • Extensive use of AutoCAD in MSOE coursework and summer internship. • Passion for learning demonstrated through seeking additional certification (Pro-E). • Conversational skills in Spanish. • Excellent customer service skills developed through previous retail experience. EDUCATION Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) · Milwaukee, WI

Graduation: May 2016

GPA: 3.1

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

• Coursework completed in Linear Circuits, Digital Systems and Energy Conversion.


Dean’s List for 3 quarters. Received $10,000 merit scholarship.


Example Company Milwaukee, WI

March 2014–August 2014

Electrical Engineering Intern • Designed digital and analog circuits in a team of 6 engineers. • Independently used AutoCAD for electrical component design. • Worked directly with Engineering team on $50,000,000 hospital renovation. Greg’s Pool Supply New Berlin, WI Sales Associate • Worked directly with customers to meet their retail needs.

Summer 2013

• Developed problem-solving skills in determining appropriate part for repairing broken pool equipment. • Furthered communication skills through customer interactions in person and on the phone.


Proficient in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook), PSpice, VHDL, and C++.

Extensive use of AutoCAD and Multisim. Certified in Pro-Engineer.


Active member of IEEE

2012–present 2013–2014

Peer Assistant


Camping, reading historical fiction, golf, and participating in team sports.


Currently available part time during school; full time Summer 2014.



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