We’re moving science forward by leveraging the
different perspectives and individual strengths
of each and every Covance team member.
Because here, we see diversity for exactly what
it is — a driver of the business itself and the
innovation that allows us to bring life-saving
medicines to market sooner. And when you join
us in this effort, you’ll enrich your life through
exposure to new ways of thinking and the
opportunity to learn from dynamic colleagues
who work together to make things better.
Bring your unique
perspective to Covance today.
careers.covance.comCovance is committed to diversity in the workplace
and is an equal opportunity employer (Minority/
Female/Individual with Disability/Veteran). Your
confidentiality and privacy are important to us.
Greenville County Schools
is the largest school district in South Carolina
and the 46th largest district in the nation. We have the state’s largest school choice
program with 15% of our students (10,000+) attending on choice. Our schools are
widely recognized for excellence at the state and national levels, with 13 National
Blue Ribbon Schools, 21 Palmetto’s Finest Schools, and 9 Newsweek’s Best High
Schools. GCS employs more than 5,000 teachers who serve more than 72,000
students in 51 elementary schools, 19 middle schools, 14 high schools, 6 child
development centers, 4 career centers, Fine Arts Center, Roper Mountain Science
Center, Charles Townes Gifted Center, and other learning centers that meet indi-
vidual student needs. Our students learn in state-of-the-art facilities equipped with
the latest technology. Greenville, SC is conveniently located on the I-85 corridor
between Charlotte, NC and Atlanta, GA. Greenville County Schools as an Equal
Opportunity Employer is seeking diverse candidates as outlined in our 2013-2018
Strategic Plan.
P.O. Box 2848 • Greenville, SC 29602-2848
Contact: Lillian Flemming at (864)355-3976
or Debra Cucchiara at (864) 355-3161
www.greenville.k12.sc.usLike Us on Facebook at
facebook.com/gcschoolsFollow Us on Twitter
Apply online at
www.GRPS.orgGRPS Talent Hotline: 616-819-2028
HumanResources@GRPS.orgGrand Rapids Public Schools
is focused on talent, quality
school choices, and sustainability. We are expanding Theme
Schools, Centers of Innovation and ELL/ESL Language Centers
and are looking for motivated members to join our team!
Rapids, Michigan
was voted one of the
Top 10 Places to Live
Top 10 Places to Raise a Family
*RelocateAmerica 8/3/11
**Forbes 4/4/12
OUSD is committed to diversity!
In an effort to build a work force that reflects the ethnic
and cultural backgrounds of our students, we turn to the
HBCU community and encourage YOU to join us in making
a difference in the lives of Oakland’s students!
Candidates with valid teaching credentials
(or currently in Education programs) can apply here
http://www.edjoin.org/viewPosting.aspx?postingID=546158If you are not a teacher candidate, but are interested in
learning about other career opportunities in OUSD, contact
us at
recruitment@ousd.k12.ca.ususing the subject
heading “HBCU candidate”.