HBCU Careers Magazine
As daunting as the job landscape looks to a graduating student, it is important to remember that our society
skilled workers
with the ability to assimilate new skills quickly and utilize communication and interpersonal skills
in an ever so competitive world.
According to the
Bureau of Labor Statistics
(January 28, 2015) the current overall unemployment rate in December
2014 was around 5.6% in the US; this statistic includes gains in payroll employment, where non- farming employers
took on additional employees during the final month. Many of those jobs were in the field of healthcare,
manufacturing, food services and business services.
Although this number is very encouraging; it is important to be aware of the unemployment rate for recent
graduates. According to Huffington Post (January 28, 2015) more than 2 million graduates are unemployed and
the unemployment rate among recent grads is hovering around
. From this data it is very apparent that there
is a disparity between the general unemployment rates and recent grad rates.
Although this seems bleak and very daunting for a recent graduate- new to the job market and who has not yet
navigated this unknown landscape- it is
impossible to land a job that will set you on your chosen career track.
As a Career Advisor for an online educational institution, I often run into the complaints of some of my students
who are experiencing a very difficult job search and I would like to pass on some practical steps you can take
towards your own future success!
Be Open to Internships or Volunteer Work
One of the best ways to glean practical work experience while still in school is by seeking
out and finding opportunities to apply your newly acquired skills within your field of study.
In days gone by, only a few professions required an internship or some kind of clinical work.
Doctors, lawyers and medical assistants come to mind. However in today’s job market there
are many skilled workers who are seeking employment amongst the slew of recent graduates
who do not necessarily have a body of experience to impress employers and hiring managers with.
What should you do?
Seek out and find an internship, apprenticeship, or volunteer opportunity where you can apply those skills and
get real world experience on to your resume. Work with your college career services to help you find resources or
opportunities suitable for you. Being proactive in your own success is a mandatory skill in today’s job market. Do
not wait until graduation to start!
Network with everyone!
The one difference between a fresh faced graduate and a working professional is an extensive network of friends,
acquaintances, former co-workers and old bosses who have a relationship with that professional. It behooves any
student or graduate to take part in networking activities as conscientiously and as often as you can! Attend those
professional mixers, attend a seminar and find out about your local Chamber of Commerce events. As much as
depends upon you, get out into the community and network with others. It may be the difference between landing
a job or not.
What Does the Job Landscape Look Like to A Recent Graduate
By: Career Professional