HBCU Careers Magazine
Just as HR tech evolves for the candidate so too are there even newer platforms for corporate
recruiters that are emerging.
From video interviews, to those that can help build talent communities
or ecosystems such as portals, websites or SaaS based solutions to address the changing job market.
Many that have popped up that include the likes of
to name a few, are focused on the data analytics and metrics in mind. These disruptors as well as the
traditional vendors in the
applicant tracking system
space are all scrambling to
optimize for mobile, search
engines, while providing a
branded digital experience
across the full candidate
lifecycle solution. If we are to
leverage innovative sourcing
and data analytics tools
wantedanalytics.com,we must also be mindful of
the changing landscape in
terms of America’s Advanced
Industries and what talent we
foster to support efforts not
only in key technical areas
but in support of programs
around regional innovation
clusters or (RICs).