HBCU Careers Magazine
Don’t Discount Your Current Entry Level Job!
Many times as recent graduates our expectations of the job market are overly inflated. I often run into this
problem when a graduate believes that after having built a formidable school career over the past few years,
this automatically entitles them to a well-paying job or a mid-level position. However it is the reality of many job
seekers I encounter that they find a great job at a great company and then move into a role more suited to their
at a later time
. Find out about opportunities to grow or move into a job that fits your skill set once you have
gotten your foot in the proverbial door. Prove yourself in that entry level job and before long you will see your skills
being utilized and maximized.
Freelancing Can Be a Viable Option!
According to Elance Online (January 28, 2015) about 53 million Americans are freelance workers which constitutes
about 1 out of every 3 workers; this is a vast majority of individuals working independently. Our culture has shifted
to self-employment in many industries and continues to do so because of the ability for workers to offer their
services through internet websites, social media sites such as
and elsewhere. Technology has made
this shift possible. If you have never considered this avenue for yourself, it may be beneficial to find out how to
start your freelance business. There are plenty of great books, resources and internet tools to help you with this.
Your college career center can also help you find the resources you need to start. Find out about small business
ownership at
Stay Connected To Your Support System!
Although as a recent graduate one of your rites of passage into adulthood is landing the job of your dreams and
making your own way in the wider world, it goes without saying that this reality can be both a cumbersome
undertaking and an intimidating task, however, remember that the job market is still in recovery and you will need
support and guidance along the way.
With recovery comes the responsibility for communities, families and others to come together to assist one another
in helping our future leaders find meaningful employment where they will find lasting fulfillment, purpose driven
careers and ultimately they will contribute to the greater good of society.
It will happen for you, you must believe that, and it is necessary for you to be prepared for your ensuing induction
into the wonderful world of work.
“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted
and behold, service was joy.”
— Rabindranath Tagore
And……remember why you went to school and what you want to contribute to the world; never lose sight of your
goals or your personal aspirations! You will find yourself in a great job and a great career before long.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Online. Employment Statistics, Dec 2014. Retrieved on January 28, 2015 at
http://www.bls.gov/ces/Huffington Post. It’s Bad To Be a Recent College Grad Retrieved on January 28, 2015 at
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/16/recent-college-grad_n_4602772.htmlSmall Business Administration Website
Brainy Quotes Online. Various Inspirational Quotes. Retrieved on January 5, 2015 at