HBCU Careers Magazine
Video Resumes
A video resume can be a helpful job search tool. A video resume will not replace your paper resume,
but done properly, it can enhance a traditional resume, allowing you to highlight your communication
skills, leadership skills or creative abilities. Alternatively, a video resume done poorly can knock you out
of contention as a viable candidate.
Tips to Help you Prepare a Video Resume
• Dress professionally in business attire as if you were going to a
face-to-face interview.
• Be professional. If your video doesn’t look professional, neither
will you!
• Consider the location/background for your video resume. A neutral
backdrop or location that is appropriate to your industry is best.
• Keep the length of your video resume short-from 1 to 3 minutes
in length.
• Do your homework. Go online to view video resumes, and learn
from them. This will give you the opportunity to learn what works
and what doesn’t work.
• Practice! Prepare what you plan to say ahead of time. You will want to start by mentioning your
full name and focus on your professional goals-not your personal ones. Be sure to discuss why
you would be the ideal employee and what you can do for the organization that hires you. Be
sure to thank the employer for considering you for employment.
• Be aware of non-verbal cues. Look directly at the camera and not at the desk or table below you,
and don’t fidget.
• Speak clearly and not too fast.
How to Promote Your Video Resume
• Send a link of your video resume to your networking contacts
• Burn your video resume to a DVD and send it with your paper resume
• Post your video resume online
A Word of Caution About Posting Your Video Resume Online
Keep your personal life out of your professional life! Do not link your video resume to your Social Media
pages if you have any information that you would prefer an employer not to see.
Be sure to visit
HBCUcareers.comfor additional information
on resumes and to upload
your video resume