2015-2016 HBCU Careers Magazine

HBCU Careers Magazine

the detriment of a workforce that has been empowered to eliminate barriers to entry, seeks to design new models of digital engagement and inclusion. Mentoring is begun to catch pace with the rhetoric and providing a responsive approach is top of mind in the IT shop to enable HR to deliver training and education, feedback loops, and timely information that is not only of assistance to the American taxpayer, but provides to you the job candidate both in theory transparency and accountability for both the candidate and Federal hiring manager. HR Tech shortcomings potentially can both help and hinder a challenging process. The days of a resume based applications being mailed in with a cover letter are soon to go the way of the horse and buggy. Social media and the application of social networking platforms that can help sift filter and sort jobs, while serving to provide more access to and awareness of those types of roles and career paths that ultimately should be informed not only by assessments, but by skills matching as is being done on LinkedIn.com. Never mind the fact that agencies are spending here to determine your skills and competencies, but potentially cultural fit as well. I recall being a recent college graduate and outside of a post card deck attached to a cork board or a flyer in the Career Center on Campus there was not much in the way of even an understanding on how to apply for and secure a position in the public service outside of the national non-profits and military options that existed for me.

Figure 1 Retirement Conundrum - An Opportunity To Address Mission Critical Occupation Vacancies http://www.federalnewsradio.com/?sid=3338792&nid=1140 Given the adoption of programmatic ad buying platforms or DMP (Database Marketing Platforms) government marketers can secure more highly targeted ways to leverage search engines to attract or get diverse candidates to opt-in to recruitment communications. However in so far that the Paperwork Reduction Act and the Memorandums from the Office of Management & Budget restricts the use of cookies, more DMP’s are looking to provide targeting that does not compromise PII data or aggregates


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